If I feel this way about my granddaughter, how must God feel when He looks at us? I believe God is cheering us every day to accept as much grace, healing, learning and joy as we can manage to allow in. Because that is the wonder and the mystery....God is pouring mercy over us at all times, even when we are unaware. But in our self-focus we don't notice, possibly can't even imagine such an idea. But God is constant in His love for us and His plans for our future of purpose and increasing love. And God has given us His Spirit to help us route out the junk that is blocking our acceptance of more of the blessings that are already ours.
During our life's journey we experience joy and challenges, learning and stillness, understanding and confusion and a mountain of other emotions and perceptions and ideas. As we mature we take these things out and look them over and sometimes we get pretty sure we have all the answers so we may think we are self-sufficient, either because God made us so, or because there is no God to care about us.
But actually God made us wholly dependent and needing a relationship with God because to call us, woo us, entice us to that relationship is to provide for our dearest blessings and highest good. And because we were created to be dependent and interdependent in Grace, when we spurn that Grace we often wind up looking for support, love, reassurance and validation from a mountain of places where no grace resides.
So today I will thank God with such a full heart, both for the blessings of family and, more essentially, the blessing of being in God's family, a daughter of the King of Kings, beloved of the Creator of All, with a right, conferred by God, to my place at God bountiful table.