I'm seeing calls for prayers, blessedly non-partisan, non-denominational, prayers calling for a Great Awakening. That is a churchy terms for "turning to God as best we understand Him and ask to know Him better, ask God heal us and make us more discerning, more willing to give than take, more unwilling to live in fear and more willing to risk where we believe it is God's will." Because I suspect that these coming days are going to be tough ones.
At best A LOT of people are going to be disappointed in the outcome. The "winners" need to be especially compassionate rather than snarky and only God can help us do that. We need to trust that no matter the "final count" that God still is on His Throne and has the final say. That no matter how much we don't trust anything, we can fully trust God and His promise to make all things come to good for those who trust Him.
I've been thinking for some time about inter-generational healing. There is no person on this earth who has not suffered wounding words and worse; who has not lost family or financial security or health; and where those things have become an anchor for fear and anger rather than a door to strength, compassion and restoration then all the bad stuff gets tucked into the next generation and added to in their own losses and wounds. No wonder we are kind of a mess...OK definitely a mess.
But I have hope, because I believe God heals that for us as individuals who develop a courageous relationship, a loving friendship with God and that is offered by no other deity I have ever read about. And it is time for the intergenerational sins of our nation to be acknowledged, not with inappropriate shame, but with desperately needed humility that says:
"O God, heal us from past errors, sins, omissions, fears, hates, indifference, arrogance and just plan foolishness that we might embrace better choices going forward. Move in all halls of government that healing might empower discernment for better uses of our resources, both personally and corporately. Suppress the fear that feeds retribution against those we fear or distain. Move in our churches that we might be wise and strong in acting in support of justice, modeling mercy, embracing grace and relying ever more wholly on You in practical and broad ways. Yes, Lord, pour Your Spirit upon us that we might tingle and roar with love of you and for all your children, willing to be inconvenienced to be a part of supporting healing and relationships with You. We ask this because Your Son who also lived during turbulent times and knows our human vulnerabilities among even his closest supporters, says we can. AMEN"