“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary."*
It is my deepest hope that God is not only "really there" and "really cares" but that God can really deliver. Some years ago a sweet man in a Bible class said he did not to pray to God about little things because he knew God was busy and it was interesting to watch the kindest of ministers try to assure him that God cared about all the things in the man's life without it sounding like he was "correcting" him in public.
But isn't it easy to understand? The whole world seems in utter chaos on every continent and in every strata of societies. The concept of a New York City or a Hong Kong is pretty overwhelming for a girl who grew up in the expanses of the Midwest and to consider all peoples, at all times, in all places having God's ear and God having a heart for all of that is frankly decidedly above my pay grade.
But this I know with all my heart, based on all my experience: God is never too busy for us. God is never out of town or on another line or taking the day off. God is never distracted or disinterested or too tired. In Isaiah's words, God neither faints nor grows weary. God always brings an A game. God always can and does act for our highest good.
God loves us utterly, ably, honestly, without selfishness or hidden agendas.
Oh, and God's is a 24-7 operation. Give God a shout ... or a whisper today.
*Is 40:28a