No matter the level of anxiety and even fear, comfort is always present in these words attributed to Jesus in Matthew 8:26: “Why are you afraid? You don’t have enough faith.” Then he stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. The wind stopped, and the lake became very calm."
No matter if today's storm is a little gusty cold rain or a category 5 hurricane, the power of our God is bigger. And time and time again God uses that power to either calm our storm or give us comfort and strength to endure.
I think of Jesus: He had no fear of storms because He had authority over them, and longed to release His dear disciples from their fear. And He did not just lecture from afar; instead He sat with them in the small boat in very stormy seas. His message was this: believe I have your back. Believe that I am bigger than your greatest fear. Believe that I love you and promise both to bear with you and to show you the way through. Believe I already love you utterly and am working persistently for your highest good. Relax just a little by trusting me a little and you will find I am here for you. It is the beginning of an amazing journey and I'm excited for us to take the next steps.
Abba, Father. Teach me to trust You and let that trust grow. I thank you, Father God, that no matter how afraid or anxious or confused I am, You are bigger than my problem, have my best interest at heart and are both able and committed to care for me at all times and in all places. AMEN