Are you looking for a place to connect with kind people who understand the challenges of having family members whose choices have broken our trust? ...the financial and emotional distress endured by those who have an incarcerated loved one? ...the challenges of welcoming home someone who has returned to the free world? We have a Monday night Zoom meeting that honors privacy, listens without judgement and loves unconditionally. Use the contact button above and I will send you a link. NOTE: We practice listening and loving, but are not perfect, so if you have a "you should" experience, you are asked to call us on it.
Kairos Outside is an organization that supports women affected by the incarceration of a loved one or who has been incarcerated themselves. We invite guests to attend a weekend where they will find people who understand the issues and offer support and love. The next weekend is October 7-9th at a Kansas City location. (No charge to guests, but volunteer team members contribute to cover their own costs or raise that amount of support.) If you would like more information, use the contact button above. (If you are too far from Kansas City, you can check out this link to find a program closer to you: If you have trouble connecting, feel free to use the "contact button" above ... we are an organization that is 30,000 volunteers working with a paid staff of less than a dozen so be persistent, please. We are excited to welcome you to our community.
Are you someone who has a heart for justice and 2nd Chances looking for a place to lend a hand? Use the contact button above and I'll be happy to see if I can help. Jann (Editor)
Pray for all who are wounded by crime ... folks, that is all of use! AMEN