Fun is the main theme but we never quite get there.
Come have fun with me, but I'll be cranky as all get out if the team concept of enjoying the fellowship or cheering on a team that played hard.
Come have fun with me, but I'll only buy ice cream if you get all As and Bs on your report card.
Come have fun with me, but I'll only make love to you, my beloved spouse, if I am pleased with every tiny thing you do.
Come have fun with me, we only need more expensive shoes, a bigger house, a snazzier car, a more exotic meal, higher stakes tables, a little smoke, toke, coke, booze and porn. We run so hard to get more of the things that are not making us happy now. And, eventually, we have so much of what is not making us happy that we are mired in despair, poor health, damaged relationships and even jail.
Turn your back on the values and cultural norms that have left you always wanting more stuff and more "fun". Repudiate the idea that screams at us from televisions and billboards, that we are what we eat, wear, drive, drink, own, experience and control.