For those of you who have been affected by the incarceration of a family member of birth or choice and would welcome an opportunity to connect (at no charge to you) with other women with a special understanding and heart for the challenges you know all too well, please click on the "contact button" above and I'll mail you a brochure.
If these words leave you longing to help, we need many angels to care tenderly for our guests and if you can spare a little time you too can click on the "contact button" and I'll mail you a "Angel Application".
We covet your prayers, for we are already praying for the women God is sending to this special time of healing. We are happy if you want to send financial support. We hope you will share with friends or family members who might be interested in being our guest.
Won't you add us to your "to do" list so that you pray with us for the coming 115 days? Costs you not a dime, yet your prayers are priceless to us and the women we serve.