So I like it when I read in Matthew 5:13 that Jesus says to us, "You are the salt of the earth." and in the next verse He calls us "the light on the hill that cannot be hidden." It says my life has purpose and value.
Even when I don't FEEL very important or valuable I can trust in these words and look around for opportunities to bring flavor and light into the lives of those I love and those I meet.
The world has different values than God. The world values wealth and power and strength. God values our resources, authority and persistence when pledged to His service; when we stop trying to do it all ourselves and begin to understand that God may have a different, indeed a better plan than we can come up with on our own or execute efficiently. Surrendering our abilities, gifts and will to God is not easy, but the Spirit of God hears our prayers for guidance and discernment and wisdom.
Giving up to God is not giving up on hope; it is giving up on trying to do it based only our our own knowledge, understanding and perspective and trusting that God has knowledge, understanding and perspective that is perfect and that God has pledged through the death of His Son, to teach us how to live for Him to our own highest good.