But this has lead me to think about the wide range of place and jobs and social connections I've experienced over several decades. I'm fascinated by how often things I thought were rather frustrating or even crumby were laying foundations for experiences I had no inkling would be useful in my future.
For instance, I had temp jobs with banks, insurance companies, mutual fund companies and commodities related businesses. Each was interesting and added to a body of knowledge that served me well when, many years later, I worked as a Certified Financial Planner for a national firm. And along the way I met people who were dealing with special needs kids, deaths of spouses, crises of faith, family challenges, and myriad of other challenges with varying degrees of grace and a willing to share a bit of their own faith, hope and experience. Over the years I have had many occasions to be deeply grateful for their candor and generosity.
So, as I set out on my day tomorrow, I'm going to do so with a renewed awareness that God sends blessings wrapped in many different packages and each person I meet may have an idea or observation or a bit of information that I'll find helpful somewhere along my life's journey. I intend to pay attention.
And I'll take a moment to thank God for all the interesting, quirky, brave, wise, kind, frustrating, and widely diverse folks God has arranged for me to meet, to learn from, to appreciate later -- even if not in the moment!
Faithful God, thank You for all the people you are sending into my life exactly when I most need them. AMEN
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The one lesson I have learned is that there is no substitute for paying attention. Diane Sawyer