It's been one of those weeks where concerns have tried to take center stage, but these words are a balm to my soul because it reflects so perfectly my experiences through live's ups and down. Maybe that sounds strange, to feel God's love during the challenges of life, but for me that has been when I have been most attentive to that constant truth.
Oh, I can sit on a pier waiting for the sun to rise over the ocean, or see a double rainbow dropping with the sunshine through grey clouds breaking on the horizon, or see the most perfect wildflower damp with the morning dew and appreciate deeply how beautiful and amazing is God's creation. I can look at a child's face while learning to master a new skill or the hands of someone I love as they lay exhausted in illness, or see joy on the faces of a well-matched bride and groom and feel such deep gratitude for the people in my life.
But I am a fickle, broken human-being and even from these dear and beloved gifts I can be distracted. But if you want to see my attention focused, walk with me through a crisis where each step requires God's perfect strength and God's infinitely superior wisdom to take even a small step forward. When I am out of ideas and out of capacity and out of patience and out of hope, God always stands with my highest good already laid out and waiting for me to turn my face toward God's face and ask for help getting with the program.
When I quite fighting, and start accepting, I have recognized God pouring His love out to fill my heart full to overflowing, so much more than sufficient, so much more than enough, so much more than I can ever imagine for myself.
Can your heart use a little healing love today?