Our children and grandchildren may find such thoughts sad or scary, but I always feel a bit sad for older folks who do because, if I may state the obvious, none of us are getting any younger. And watching our rather ancient cousin as she completed her journey here, I can honestly say I hope I have her zip and interest and compassion as I spend this life God has given me.
How will you spend the minutes and hours God has given you today? If you live another year or ten years or 50 years will this day be a page in a life well-lived? Because, it can be--in any circumstances. We each day have the choice of being kind, taking time, caring for another, caring for ourselves, expending with care, learning, growing and being well. Sometimes the steps are so small that it is hard to measure progress in a given day, but when we pay attention we know. We know if we are moving up the ladder or down, growing or shrinking, learning or vegetating, resting or idling, working or treading water.
So clasp each day to your heart, grateful for it, and look around for a way to spend it well. And if there is a misstep, remember that God is with you to help you get up and try again to match your step to the Father's.