But I wonder how most people would respond if we responded with a litany of what exciting things are happening in our spiritual life. "Oh, I am in a terrific Sunday School class! I'm really becoming more aware of opportunities to shine Christ's Love into folks lives!." Or how about "Wow, the sermon Sunday has really nudged me to be more open to offering to pray for people when they share a sorrow or challenge with me. It is a little scary but I'm so glad I have been able to be a blessing in this new way for people who have been part of my life for a long time." Or even, "I'm saving to go on a mission trip with my church. I'm excited!" or "I've started volunteering at the VA housing center and am really enjoying these folks with so little family who are sharing their history with me."
I remember an extraordinary woman who loved telling children stories. As her health became more fragile she began telling stories to children stuck in doctors' waiting rooms. Wow. I never did really know much about her final illness because she was always so excited because she had found a new audience for her talking frog stories.
So this is my goal for this first full week of the new year: I'm going to form a new habit of response where I speak about the joy in my life, ignore the smaller indignities and challenges and endure the larger ones with the help of Gods abiding grace.
My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Psalms 63:8