I'm wary of the "my church" notion, since if it is not God's church it is not church in the sense of "the church." And there are even folks who cloak their unbelief in the trappings of a church and cause great harm when folks stumble in on their knees seeking to find hope that God might love them, only to find cold hearts and worse.
But I do attend a mega church on a hill, and a small satellite in a struggling neighborhood, and I am part of the community of folks who minister to the incarcerated and their families so praying in a prison or a visitor's room or hospital is also church for me. And all that is blessing since I there find authentic spiritual training, many service opportunities, folks who are willing to pray for me in times of challenge and joy, and folks who share their faith, hope and experience with me honestly and generously.
But, as profoundly grateful for all that as I am, it is a modest blessing compared to "The Church", to "The Church of all believers from all ages, in all places."
For those of us who seek to follow Christ, we know (or are learning to know) no one who does not present as a precious child of God. Some folks are so broken or ashamed or self-absorbed or indifferent that they don't feel like children of God and some resent that others see them that way. See them that way anyway, if I may echo Mother Teresa. The Bible is pretty clear on this one: "And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’* We are part of God's family; such relationship is defined by God's Covenant, not by our lack of understanding.
And in The Church, life is all about walking more closely with God, being so kind and persistent and patient and honest altogether that those who meet us might wonder why we are so odd! If you have ever offered kindness where it is rarely experienced you may have seen someone puzzled about why you bother to even notice them, but also, you possibly see the glint of a willingness to learn more about why you act so differently than those consumed by their own comforts and wants. It may not happen the first time, but over time love makes a difference.
Some church buildings house folks who believe the church is all about them. The truth is this:it is all about God or it only a church building.
Some church buildings house folks who seek to follow the example and teachings of Christ and are more worried about being a welcoming place to the broken searchers of hope and love and truth than if the color of the new pain is equally pleasing to all who enter.
Some church buildings are a base of operation for folks who are loving and welcoming folks who are just starting their conversation with God -- longing to be in a relationship with their Creator and Savior, but uncertain God is willing. They welcome folks whose attention has faltered and wonder if God is willing to give them another chance. They welcome folks who love God passionately and want to gather with others who seek to know God more deeply and serve God more effectively.
But God's church, The Church, has no boundaries, no new member committees, no barriers to belief. It includes the Thief on the Cross† and medical missionaries in far-flung corners of the world and folks who love folks in all places at all times. It is as intimate as God and me, yet all inclusive of those who love God and seek to serve him. It includes baby Christians and mature Christians of great renown throughout the ages, and everyone between.
My advice is this: be The Church. This may be easy because you have a church home that perceives themselves as servants of God in The Church. If your church home seems more focused on taking care of themselves than in sharing the love of God in Word and deed, then look further. If you are seeking a church home as a new or renewing follower of Christ, don't let yourself be discouraged when you find flawed people at the churches you visit...you will fit right in!
As you search, ask the Spirit of God to help you, to find the place God would have you worship God and serve His children.
* Matthew 25:40
† Luke 23 34-42 of Luke's account of Christ's death and resurrection.