I think this is part of the journey from the earliest days because it so very important. Forgiving and seeking forgiveness frees us from the distractions of keeping our eyes on our fellow travelers. Rather we are freed to keep our focus on our Lord, our Father, the Spirit of God. The better we get at accepting and giving mercy, the faster we grow in trusting the God who so consistently and generously fulfills His Covenant (Promise) of Forgiveness and Redemption for us. The more willing we are to leave the judging to God and focus on being the humble hands and feet of God, the more our relationship with God deepens and the more effective are our ministries, the more peaceful and joy-filled our hearts.
Because this is such a powerful force, I believe it is where many temptations are paraded before us, costumed as parental love, patriotism, "protecting my own", "making my way in the world", "giving as good as I get" and other things that may have a proper place, but which we dare not make our God.
Google "forgiveness in the Bible" and nearly 20,000,000 items pop up in 36 seconds. I did not review them all, but I doubt if very many of them advocate withholding forgiveness. In all ages, in all places, from the youngest child to the wisest, mature teachers the experience of forgiveness (forgiveness of others, seeking forgiveness for ourselves, and forgiving our selves) is experienced with joy, peace, and hope for the future, a widely recognized important step in living well, being productive, loving and being loved. Yes, it is scary and difficult, but so very amazing and freeing.
Making this a habit, cultivating it as our first response saves much difficulty. Plus it is really irritating to people who don't get it. So you can please God, lead a happier life and irritate those who would steal your peace; that is a win-win-win for all of us.
If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat. If they are thirsty, give them some water. For you will heap coals of fire on their heads, and the Lord will reward you for being good to them. Proverbs 21-22