With few exceptions, addictions rarely begin in a moment. Rather we convince our selves that a little willfulness or a little danger is exciting or a good way to "relax" and we slip and begin the fall; the downward pitch becomes steeper with each step until we are free falling into a life where we no longer have any choices, because our compulsions are running wild. We destroy our own well-being, lives and futures, and go wildly galloping through the lives of those who love us, and even total strangers who get in our way.
But life can turn in a better direction with God's help.
We can trust God with our whole heart and commitment, which frees us to live our best life, do our best work, make the best difference in the lives of others The more we trust God's ability and willingness to always care for us frees us, not only from additions and distractions, but frees us to serve God freely and joyously.
Is there something you might ask God to help you with today? He is delighted to help you!