But as I have gotten older it has gotten a bit easier to just pray, whatever I face, to thank God I can be wholly trusting of God's capacity and commitment to travel with me. After all, in all circumstance I only know what I know and God knows all. God's plans are always for our highest good and mine are limited by my narrow understanding. If I pray for no rain when a wedding is scheduled and the farmer needs rain do I expect the rain to rain all around the wedding venue? Maybe instead the memory of adapting to rain will grow to a core value in the marriage where adapting is so necessary.
I realize this is hard, but I was reminded of the person who said God had answered his prayers to be kept safe during a terrible storm and how grateful he was that the damage occurred in another part of town. Really? Are the people in one part of town owed a trouble free storm while others deserve the damage?
Surely this is not what God intends for Jesus said, "(God) lets the sun rise for all people, whether they are good or bad. He sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong."*
Rather God is capable of helping us see the opportunity in the most difficult of situations and being present in the greatest of challenges. It starts with a deep breath or a sigh and the words, "God, we need to talk. Here are my concerns. I know You have a plan. What do You want me to do? AMEN"
*Matt 5:45