Won't you pray for them each and all tonight? For there are so many lives affected by each bad, impetuous act. We look at the situation and wonder why...why did someone lose their temper over such a small thing and the price be so stunning for dozens of people now hurting and uncertain what comes next....why was someone so careless with the life of another....why is the legal system so harsh in one instance and lenient in another....why did someone we love take so little care of their own safety...why did we all wind up in a court seeking to understand how to get through all this?
Let's pray for a justice that speaks healing to the injured in this all too common drama. Let's pray that everyone involved chooses to find purposeful lives in the new normal. Let's pray that all can remember that God's love is big enough for every person involved in this situation. Let's pray that power, wisdom and mercy have proper place in the proceedings for the highest good of all involved. Let's pray that folks reach out to God for the patience, persistence and strength they need each morning and thank God for each blessing in the day, even the one's that don't feel like blessings yet.
God did not create us for despair, but our journey often has some incredibly hard and difficult days. Still God is with us at all times and in all places, ready to answer our prayer before it fully articulates in our minds or on our lips. God is not capricious and never lacks understanding or power or kind intent towards His children. He wants all to chose life, healing, renewal, restoration and hope. He even sends His Spirit to instruct us, empower us, inspire us to aspire to "more"....and that more is a relationship with the God who created us, and His Son whose blood covers us, cleanses us and heals our relationship with God.