I am much more attracted to folks with an approach that shares their experiences without demanding that mine "match up". For one thing, I don't see how any human being could ever be so utterly sure that they understand the smallest idea of God with any totality at all. And so often theological writing has that arrogant edge the seems to imply that no one who is not as academically gifted could ever understand God as well as the pontificator.
But here is what I believe: truth is truth and we struggle all our lives to get past the busyness of the world and the noise of debates and the fear of not getting it "right enough". And God says: As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours. (Recorded in Isaiah 55:9) This makes perfect sense to me because I don't see how anyone, no matter how able, gifted, or smart, but anchored in a given place and time, could ever get more than slightly clear on the truth of God, Yahweh, Adonai, Jehovah Japtha, and so many other names describing God.
So I am left relying on the Spirit of God to provide discernment (a process of seeking the best possible answer), guidance, enlightenment, growing trust and all the other blessings which flow from my relationship with God. I think how very frustrating it would be if a toddler refused to learn what they did not before hand understand, and this is how I see myself. As I trust God I understand more but never fully...because I am not God.
But I am profoundly delighted and amazed that God invites me into a relationship where I can understand God at all, love God with a whole heart and seek continually to serve God more effectively by God's abundant mercy to me.