Corrie Ten Boom says, “Worry is a cycle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a center of fear.”
I can only say, "Amen, Sister!"
So for today I will take a different approach. I'll make a list of blessings. I'll think of all the times God has shown me mercy and given me blessings beyond anything I could have imagined. I will start in the right place, on my knees in prayer; reading my Bible; enjoying a quiet moment, making notes in my journal (when I can find my journal), spending a little time with someone who has few visitors or making extra for dinner so I can share with a teacher or young family as the school year starts.
And this will be my prayer for today:
King of King and Lord of Hosts, You bless me faithfully, love me always, have a plan for my life that is for good and all that happened without me waking up this morning or walking out the door. So I know I can trust you with my fears and troubles. Because Your goodness has already got this handled. Please help me stay out of the way and participate only as You Will and direct. AMEN