In the early days of creation our relationship with God included some pretty harsh lessons as God wiped out people who were so self-will run riot that eating their own children and demanding sexual submission from total strangers were the rule in some early peoples. And there was no internet or even lending libraries where people could go to intellectually study God. So it was a millennia long forming and informing process to teach mankind the nature of God. But the rules were always consistent then and now: do not harm one another except to stop harm to God's beloved children -- that is all of us, by the way.
What is God all about? God is all about love and truth and mutual relationship where we respond to God's love, not because we are afraid of God, but because we are in love with God. C. S. Lewis postulated in his The Screwtape Letters that there is nothing essentially evil on the Earth which God created, but rather all evil is a perversion of good things intended for our blessing. Dynamite can stabilize land suffering sinkholes or can destroy a building full of children. Love can kindly bind families or be twisted into serial killers too horrid for even writers of TV serial killer dramas to convey. Hard work can build good companies that fill needs and provide employment or it can transform into ego-driven excuses for ignoring ethical constructs all the way to human trafficking. Try as I may I have found nothing that has only evil capacity, nor have I found any good thing that cannot be twisted by obsession into unspeakable horrors. This is the basis of Free Will.
Oh, instead of creating in God's own image a new people, God could certainly have created a race of androids whose behavior was programmed and by definition lacking the capacity to truly interact, grow or struggle as we do in learning to deeply show kindness and demonstrate the value of our own intrinsic worth -- but what would be the point?
No, in a kind of cosmic truth there is always action and reaction, no choice without the option of error.
So we stand each day, each moment really, choosing (or not) to turn our face to a God who loves us utterly, longs to heal us and teach us to be more; who stands ready to be strongest where we are weak. It is a forever journey I can embrace because God is consistent, trustworthy and persistent is seeking my highest good and never ever sees God's Creation (you and I and all of us) as junk.
I am passionately in love with the outwardly focused God whose very essence is love and truth and hope and peace.