One time I was broken, overwhelmed, uncertain, when nothing good seemed likely to come again. A particularly beloved pastor preached on Psalms 69 which starts with a wretched, soul searing rant that matched my condition well, but after all the sorrow has been pitched at God's feet with a "so what are you going to do to help!" demand King David sort of comes to his senses and begins to tell God how much he trusts God to be what God has always been, David's refuge and strength, his help and his hope and by the end, King David is giving praise and honor to the King of Kings. Even today my heart is tendering remember how important that moment was for me.
A few years later during in a much less extreme time of trial I thought, "I want to read that again! It is just a wonderful passage of scripture!" and I did. But, guess what, while it was a loverly, perfectly good and true reading, it did not sear my soul. As my need was new so was the message new in its comfort and pushing me to keep seeking the Bible for the thing I was supposed to be considering in the current situation.
Then today, as I read it again it brings me tears of joy for how tenderly and wisely God has cared for me every day of my life.
Same passage, three very different blessings perfectly suited to the needs and joys of the day.
So I can say with perfect confidence, wherever you are in your journey...seeking, needing, rejoicing, longing, hurting, thanking, hoping, lacking hope, teaching, discerning, mature in faith, approaching death, fearing life, needing forgiveness, amazed by forgiveness, at any time at all you can read the Bible and find exactly what you need (though it may not initially be what you want!)