Is it love if it ignores the dreams and hopes of another?
Is it love if it exploits the weakness of another?
Is it love if it diminishes, debases or damages another?
Is it love if it humiliates, hamstrings or hampers another as they seek to grow?
Is it love if it takes more than it gives or gives more than it takes over the long term?
Is it love if it manipulates, controls or is underhanded with another?
Is it love if it is distrustful of, grasping toward or bossy with another?
Is it love if it is rude, resentful or irritable with another?
Is it love if it is unkind, impatient or mean to another?
Is it love if it harms, humiliates or harasses another?
Is it love if it withholds praise, comfort or tenderness from another?
Oh, Lord of Love, God of Light, let us love as You love us, tenderly caring for those we love. Erase selfishness and egotism that causes us to mistake our desires for the needs of those we love. Teach us generosity, patience, kindness, temperance, self-control and tenderness that we might shine Your Love into the lives of those we love. AMEN