It is truly beyond human understanding that an utterly perfect, all powerful, all knowing, always present Creator of all would have the smallest care about us in the eternal blink of an eyelash that is our life. But between the Old Testament and the New Testament and the personal testimony of uncountable people who have persisted in a conversation with God, there is a preponderance of reason to believe it is possible.
And then we worry about being "good enough" (we are not, of course) or "earning God's respect" (we can't, of course) or "wanting to make sense of it all before we consider it possible" (never going to happen). But God says: "That is not the point at all. The point is this: I created you in My Own Image for the purpose of loving Me and for demonstrating love and kindness to others that they also might consider and discuss and open themselves to a life of purpose and joy."
That is all just amazing.
And when we consider this seriously, if we do embrace it at all then we truly need to be in awe of God, reverent in heart and thoughts toward God, devoted to God. Not because God will squash us like a bug if we don't. (God does not.) Rather praise and love and honor God because there is no other reasonable, possible, rational response to such an amazing love and persistent care of us.
O God, create in me a renewed spirit, eternally deepening my desire to demonstrate my love, delight and joy in being loved by You. There are no words to convey my thanks enough, or notes to sing my joy or steps to dance my praise for You. I am daily overwhelmed as You know my heart completely and love me utterly. AMEN
2 Peter 1:6