But we change and not always for the better.
I believe God never gives up on us but we are so often guilty of giving up on God. If we develop the habit of giving up on God and keep making choices based on willfulness, materialism, selfishness, or self-gratification, eventually our self-will runs riot. This causes harm to those we love, non-productive shame, and general bad citizenship. But all that can be helpful if the fallout drives us to question old assumptions and explore new ways of thinking and behaving.
But every time we stomp down our conscience, trample kinder impulses, justify outrageous behaviors we pull further and further from God so eventually we convince ourselves that we can only be redeemed if first we make atonement by acts of rigid self-denial or by demanding "perfection" from those around us and ourselves. When none of that works we then conclude that there is no God or that God demands too much or, most heartbreaking of all, that we are too unworthy, too bound to evil, too far gone for God to reach us.
Yet still God has not moved, has not stopped loving, has not lost power or gone away or changed His covenant.
Wherever you are...whatever mistakes you have made...whoever you are acting like...however you got to this place, nothing of that changes this essential truth: God loves you; God has never left you, even in when you have been trolling through mess after mess. God does not demand that you get it together before you contact Him; God is longing to hear from you. God has a plan for your life and it is bigger than any mistake or mistakes you have ever made.
But don't be deceived. Although God never abandons us, it is very dangerous for us to keep pulling further and further from the heart of God, because our capacity to imagine a relationship with Him, our ability to hang on to a glimmer of hope become weaker and weaker.
Don't live mired in sadness, anger, loneliness, hopelessness or desperation one day longer. Turn toward the heart of God today and ask Him for help. He always delivers.