I am not speaking to folks who do not self-identify as followers of Christ, because what a community does that I am not a part of is not so much my business.
But to folks who call themselves Christians, proclaim they have Christian values and are part of God's Army then I do have something to say to you, my brothers and sisters:
Why do we believe that because we have experienced a period of peace and prosperity unprecedented in the history of the world that we are somehow owed a life without the dangers and hardships that are a part of life for by far and away the majority of souls on this earth?
Our parents and grandparents endured great hardship including being badly treated emigrants to give us a chance at a better life than was likely if they had not fled religious persecution, crushing poverty, hunger, danger, war and other pestilence. They endured an imploded world economy and wars that left killing fields across much of Europe and Asia. Because we were spared that part of the conflict, do we take that as proof that we are somehow owed an easier life than so many others?
Or do we understand that to much whom is given, much is expected? How did our churches loose this message? Don't ask us to serve the poor or incarcerated or refugees because they don't look like us, smell like us, eat like us, dance like us, wear their clothing or hair like us or sing like us? Is it not more important that they bleed like us, starve like us, long for a better life (or any life) for their children and safety for their aged (if they are fortunate enough to have aged family members at this point). Do they not long for God like us, miss the mark like us, hold a special place in God's heart like us?
The world refugee population topped 50,000,000 in 2014 and the pace is increasing. The UN reports that the average number of refugee children who die due to famine, treatable diseases and violence in staggering numbers solidly outpacing the number dead from terrorism.
So please, join the discussion. Pray for our world leaders. Find ways small and large to make a difference where you are planted today.
But don't expect simple answers or easy service in this world. It is both foolish and dangerous.
Creator of the world, I know You are bigger than the problems, but Your ways are not our ways and You have never promised to march us off with Your hand on the nape of our neck and force us to do better. You do stand with us, even when we are terrified, foolish and frustrated; You stand ready to comfort us, direct us, use us to help the world to see You more clearly, follow you more nearly, trust You more fully and love You and all of our each others more dearly. AMEN
We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)