Some days this is such a comfort because I know that I am never outside God's authority, God's capacity to protect, tend, guide, love.
But, seriously, sometimes it is pretty unsettling. On those days when I'm fuming and fussing and judging and turning my back on someone who is struggling because I just don't feel I have the energy, I would rather not have to consider that God sees that too. Because in my deepest heart I know that I have it so much better than would have been left to the paths I chose on my own. I have made mistakes that I could mostly mend with quick repentance and honestly making amends where I can and have made big, colossal mistakes that only God can and does heal. I have some challenges, but the blessings are so much more when I think seriously about all I have been forgiven, all I have been given, how slow I am to step up without whining. Then to know that God is fully aware of how I fail to be merciful, honest, kind and fail to chose love over fear, this makes me be more honest with myself.
Almighty God, help me to snuggle into Your Love and care, seek Your Truth, walk in Your Will, speak with gentleness, live the life You have rehabilitated for me, rebuilt for me, restored for me, the life You created me to live; trusting You, serving You, being Your hands and feet to a sorrowing and troubled world. AMEN
* Jeremiah 23:24 (NIV)