We can see much around us that is perfectly horrible and it is easy to let that become our focus, even in the name of building a better community, a better world. But however hard we work to bring comfort, hope and light into dark places the important thing is that there is comfort, hope and light to bring by God's grace.
The daughter of a friend ministers to sex workers. She a georgeous soccer mom with a great husband and delightful children. But she has a heart for these young women who long for a better life for themselves and their children. The organization she works with offers no-strings-attached friendship to these women, and introduces them to the healing love of God as well as providing practical coaching in starting a new life: housing, job skills, financial education and finding other employment. The single biggest obstacle is often the women's own fear that they do not merit anything better that what they have. But the women who do step out in faith speak of the great joy and renewal they have experienced as part of their faith journey. And they often reach a hand back to sisters still struggling.
How great is our God that He sees each of these women as the daughters He loves, longs to restore to their relationship with God, has plans for them that they might live the lives of purpose for which they were created. Now that is a God worth shouting about!
So it makes me smile to think of God's words to Job where He reminds Job that God has been here since before the beginning of time and God laid the foundations of the world. We find these words in Job 38:1-7: (at the beginning of the world was a time when) the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
That is what I am doing this morning -- thinking of the morning stars singing and shouting for joy as I thank God for His unending love and power and willingness to welcome us home wherever we are are when we start the journey.