It is a messy and wonderful system for growing new adults: it teaches moms and dads to work together in the interest of their child. This is not a system where compromise works very well, but consensus can be reached where all have their best ideas respected and incorporated. The child is learning all this as the days grow into weeks and weeks into years and years into lifetimes.
Each child has a right to be loved, valued, cared for, cared about, instructed and empowered to reach their full potential with kindness and persistence.
Now. what does that remind me of? Oh, yes, that is a shining reflection of how my heavenly Father treats me!
And I am very grateful for God's persistent love for me since I know I have frequently acted and sounded like an angry 2-year-old or irate teenager. Yet God loves me, tends me, teaches me and continues to call me to Him, rejoicing with every step forward and protecting my soul with every misstep.
Everlasting God, thank You for loving me with the tender love of a parent, ever vigilant in encouraging me in my journey to fulfill my purpose according to Your Will. AMEN