Our church has a close relationship with local cancer support volunteers and two beloved staff members are all too familiar with this journey. So today we offered services of hope, gratitude and grief honored. I like seeing churches walking along side community organizations in love and service. I'm frustrated when a church acts proprietarily about their mission outreaches because I don't believe this is God's pleasure at all.
Our church also has a large number of people who have been studying and sharing as they seek to be more aware of opportunities for loving on folks. Folks are being gently bold in connecting to neighbors, seeking ways to mend broken or damaged relationships, serving strangers from kind words to picking up the tab for lunch for a lonely senior or harried young mother. It is kind of a "blessed are they who respond in love to their fellow earthlings because they shall draw closer to God's design for our lives."
It is all about relationship: our relationship to God changes our relationships to our families of birth and choice, our churches, our communities and other communities and individuals around the world which in turn helps us understand more about God's love for us and the purpose for which we were created, which in turn gives us hearts more attuned to spiritual growth and practical service.....a lovely and joyous circle of spiritual life!
Matthew 30: 25-30 At that time Jesus said, ... Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves. My yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is light.”