Peacemaking is longing and working for a common good. That does not mean a community where all the houses are painted from the same palette or a bunch of old folks gather to bemoan the morals, morale or hopes of the younger generation. It does not mean banning together with like-minded folks to promote poorly researched and ill-conceived ideas that sound good but lack goodness.
Peacemaking is being willing to give up something to which you have a right in order to respect someone else's rights. I love the American ideals of the inalienability of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But as followers of Christ (remember that is to whom this section of Scripture is directed) we have a freedom greater than any of our political rights. We have the right, and the responsibility, to be kind and loving, living in a way that makes God attractive to the lost, lonely and anxious of this world and realizing this is more essential in our lives than any temporal thing.
Does that mean that I am against a political order that respects life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Of course not. It is just not now nor can it ever be the most important thing to me. The most important thing to me is this: in this little patch of the world where God has planted me I must bloom. To the extent I accept God's help and direction, I shine His light, His hope, His love as I walk among God's children offering practical assistance as best I can with God's help,
In the political arena peace is negotiated at tables between powerful nations. In the Kingdom of Heaven it is sewn, nurtured and harvested on the most personal of levels by people caring for one another in Christ's name.
Matt 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Almighty and Everlasting God, thank you for bringing Your peace to my life. Open my eyes and ears to the needs of those I meet today. Let me gently demonstrate Your love by truly seeing, generously responding to and consistently praying for the people You set before me today. AMEN