They are going to meet a group of prisoners who have applied to attend a KAIROS weekend within the prison walls. The prisoners are rarely more than acquaintances, if that. Some attend chapel or Bible classes, but others do not. Some just come for the food, for homemade cookies are rare treats for men serving long sentences and it is something to break the grinding monotony.
But God has a surprise for them in the form of men who have been praying for them and already love them by the grace and power of God. The team members are such a diverse group, from professionals to clergy to retired plumbers, civilians and military, single and married, in robust health and quite frail, quite affluent to barely scraping by. But they have this in common: they have been called by God to be His Hands and Feet for this weekend and follow-up weekends as they extend the hand of Christian friendship and care to folks who live with little kindness and less trust.
They will sing and pray, learn together, eat together, laugh together and, at the best of times, share their tenderest hearts together. Lives will change, both for the guests and for those who come to serve. And it will all happen on a smaller scale a weekend or two later as the KAIROS team returns to love and support their new friends as they build or join an inside KAIROS network of fellow Christians.
They covet your prayers this weekend, these men who are called to prison to share their faith, hope and experience and these incarcerated men who have no idea what joy awaits and the staff at the prison who make extraordinary accommodation for this time. Please bear them all up today, tomorrow and Sunday, thanking God for the work He has ordained in reaching the lonely, the scared, the lost; in calling to His purpose the team; in their witness to both the prison population and the staff.
It is an amazing thing and I invite you to be a part of this by joining your prayers with theirs this weekend. Let your prayers thereby bless someone's son or husband or father or friend and their families in the free world for all eternity.
Pray with us.