Here is what I have found in my own prayer struggles. Sometimes I am just expected to struggle. I don't think I ever have the right to withhold prayers for blessings for those who have been given into my care to love and encourage and journey alongside. I have to struggle, though thankfully with less frequency, to remember that my prayers are given to God, but God is already on the job and working in the lives of all God's children. God welcomes me to share the longings of my heart for the well-being of my loved ones, but God does not me to be God to those I love.
I've thought about this rather a lot and there is still so much I don't understand. But this has become very, very clear: Prayer does not change God ever. Prayer does not as a general rule usher in earthquakes or magical experiences to suddenly change the rules of physics or finance or physiology. But it absolutely, every time, brings the potential to change me. Through prayer I have learned that I am not in charge of the universe, nor of any part of it. Through prayer I have learned patience...never my favorite lesson in the learning but such an dear and important blessing to prepare the groundwork for changes in perspective, understanding and trust.
So when I'm stuck I have found it sometimes helpful to pray this sort of prayer:
Lord, me here, stuck again. I've tried to be "good" and I've tried to convince You of the magnificence and brilliance of my plans but nothing is working out. So again, let me see if I can get where You need me to be. If this is not the time, give me patience and perseverance that I might not miss the lessons You are sending me during this challenging, waiting time. If the answer is no, send Your Spirit to lead me in the right direction; give me different goals, goals of Your choosing. Where I need the help of mentors or partners, give me eyes to see and ears to hear when I meet them. Help me to stay focused on You rather than my fears. Lord, let me be your hands and feet, seeking only to serve and grateful to be used in any way that You know moves me toward my highest good. AMEN