But you may see a trend here. I was doing a lot of me, my, mine praying. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with discussing our heart's deepest desires with the God who created us, our Father God.
But it leaves so much out. If we consider the "Lord's Prayer" as a model (offered by Christ to instruct us), that gem has one line "Gives us this day our daily bread" that covers all our needs, wants, human desires a way that does not ask God to give us (or those we love) something 'better" that other people. Plus it is just one line!
The rest of the prayer addresses our acknowledging God as our God, ruler of all; it acknowledges God's sovereign power not only "some day, in heaven" but God's authority in the here and now. We ask God to both be forgiven and asks we receive grace that we might give forgiveness and in doing so acknowledges the need to consider these matters as co-equal needs in our lives. We ask God to give us the wisdom and strength to avoid walking foolishly into danger, but to be our ever present help when we slip up. I'm pretty sure I don't get that mix every time I pray, but I'm more aware of the need to consider more than just what I want, when I want it.
There are many Bible verses about prayers or that are prayers and I've not found a single Bible verse that can not inform our prayers as we ask for blessings and thank God for the deliverance recorded and praise God for the covenants kept and acknowledge God's power and goodness.
There are many books about prayers, including from Martin Luther explaining prayer to his barber to C S Lewis writing to his friend Malcom on the topic. I just don't see any way I will ever understand very well such an essential blessing of God. But it is such a blessing to keep learning!
And this may be the most important thing I have learned this far...prayer does not persuade God to send blessings my way because that is God's joy and nature. Rather prayer helps me stretch and grow and reconsider and surrender fear and resentment, and generally gets me out of my own way so I might be more like God created me to be.
What new praying gift can you give God today and for the next, oh, say 30 days?