So St Paul's observation was particularly interesting to me: “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”* I have found joy in musing on my condition as God's precious child, but I can hardly repose in meditation all day every day and often the temptation to revisit old errors and fears seems to come upon me with little warning. So how do I exercise control over thoughts???
I'm very much a rookie in all this, but here is what I'm thinking so far. I have come to understand that I can quite simply choose to say, "In Jesus name I renounce that thought for the lie it is," and then I thank God for whatever challenge I'm facing and for God's Grace that carries me through all challenges and keeps all blessings in proper perspective. Any trend that indicates a return to this faulty thinking gets more prayer and a physical change in activity. When I'm struggling with this particularly my correspondence may be up to date, my kitchen smelling of cinnamon, my mending current or my bathroom a new color.
So this seems to help: a combination of (1) claiming Jesus' promises regarding the power of His Great Name and (2) choosing to let God guide me to something far more productive than worry and stress.
I may not take captive every thought as effectively as a drill sergeant training green recruits, but I suspect as in most things, practice will improve efficiency. Fortunately being old and out of shape does not prevent me from learning more about God's grace!
What helps you keep from letting unruly thoughts steal your peace? I'm interested in trying out new ideas! Share below or email if you prefer privacy. Thanks!
*2 Cor. 10:5