This is important to me because I believe this: Trust = Peace.
When my peace is shaken it is because I am trying to get my own way or afraid of what is going to happen. I think this is a common situation when people get in trouble. We make a mistake and then don't want to suffer the consequences. We think we can wiggle out without making amends. We want to take a definite path or achieve a goal of our own desire and we want it more than we want what God wants for us. We think we know better than God what is good for us! Or we think God can't love us. Or that God is too "big" to have any interest in us.
So, conversely to the extent we believe in the promises of God, we can forgo the temptation to cut corners to get our way or expend our energy in angst over things outside of our authority, or trying to boss our nearest and dearest around in an effort to provide a level of perfect safety that is never going to happen in this world.
Jehovah Shalom, God of peace, teach me to trust you with all my heart. Help me embrace your Truth over the Evil One who who seeks to fill us so full of fear and anxiety that we have no room for joy, hope or gratitude. Your Word is Truth and You wish us no evil. AMEN
When I go to bed, I sleep in peace, because, Lord, you keep me safe. Psalm 4:8 (ERV)