This is one of the great blessings I have found in my faith: I am not in charge! Things don't have to go my way to be going well. God does allow challenges to come my way because, hard headed as I am, I often don't learn any other way than to get a taste of what I think I need.
But Jehovah-jireh, the God who provides, provides only that which moves us toward being the best-self God created us to be. I have certainly been frustrated in my life when I felt things were going ever so wrong and sometimes that is an indication I need to change my attitude or behaviors or assumptions. But no matter how wrong I get it, at some point I realize God has truly redeemed the experience so amazingly that what I learned through that challenge is exactly what I need to understand or know at some further point.
So I really can rely on my God, who longs for me to become all I was created to be. I can't mess things up so much that God will give up on me and I can't run so far from God that it takes more than a whisper to re-start the conversation, or more than a breath of surrender to begin receiving God's best gifts.
Thank you, Jehovah-jireh, for always providing for my every need according to my highest good. Thank you, Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit to help me understand this even when my life seems dark and frightening. AMEN