But this is what Job had to say about his situation: "Prepare your heart to serve only God. Lift your arms and pray to God....God will protect you and give you rest." Job 11:13...18 Job was certain of his place as God's child even in the midst of overwhelming sorrow and loss. Later in Job's story we learn that all he had was restored. I've often wondered if his friends learned anything from walking with Job through his trials.
When a child goes to jail it is sometimes hard to find a safe place even within our families and church families, to share our sorrows. But God is always home when you call. God's cell phone is never out of a charge or out of minutes. God does not go out of town on vacation. 24-7 God has ears for you and eyes on you and always has your best interests at heart. God is trustworthy at all times and in all places. And God will send good people to you when you ask.