But this is not how things work for God, because God is bigger than all that. God can heal each of us and can even teach us how to let go of past errors, sins if you will, that have affect others. Otherwise when I fail to let that go I keep thinking I am God. God has a unique relationship with each of His children that is not dependent on the parent's behavior, choices or mistakes.
And God is faithful in taking the "all" of us, all our pain, all our fear, all our experiences good and bad, and using every bit of it to equip us for our work on Earth, to fulfill our purpose. Have I spoken spitefully? God can use me to gently share my understand of the price of spite. Have I failed to forgive? God can use me to preach forgiveness and reconciliation because of my deep understanding of the quick sand of hate and the joy of escaping. Have I been angry with God? God can use that to give me a special heart for the hurting and alienated.
So, at least for today I will focus to the best of my ability on the steadfast love of God who sees not my sin and errors and mistakes which have been covered by the blood of Jesus, but instead sees my possibilities, the purpose for which I was created and the plan God has for me.
O, Spirit of God, teach me to trust in God's promises to love, guide, tend, restore and renew me. And thank You that all that is fully available to those I love without the need of any help from me. AMEN
Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for your goodness' sake, O LORD! Psalm 25:7