Do you want to harangue your political representatives? Please feel free, though I can only think of one time I thought they might possibly have heard and, frankly they usually get my name AND my position wrong if they bother to write back at all. Do you want to throw money at the sorrows of this world? Please do that, especially if doing so means you have to give up something you are less comfortable without, but make sure the money is going to do what you think it is doing. The best way to do that is to show up, volunteer in person, serve on committees and boards to lend your abilities and passion, pay attention to annual reports and do your homework. Because doing the easy stuff is just not going to make a difference; there is too much indifference and arrogance and greed.
So do the hard things: put your back into making things better, put your time into showing up to be respectful and truly understand folks who need a hand up, put your heart on the line. Oh, and you might think about this excellent piece of advice I received some years ago...don't just shout that the building is on fire. Offer informed, thoughtful ideas for what might help or at least explain what you've tried that did not work and how it might be tweaked the next time around. And don't ever give up: when it doesn't fix it, try again, and try again and try again. There is plenty that needs doing, plenty of people that need to be heard, to be treated kindly, to be encouraged and empowered, plenty of status quo that needs challenging with BETTER IDEAS and COMMITMENT, plenty of bad legislation that needs to be replaced with better ways of doing, loads of things that intelligent people need to research and discuss and ACT in response to -- in smart and effective ways.
At the turn of the 20th century there were no TVs, cell phones (or really phones at all), internet or dozens of other things that can make life more convenient, faster, so people spent time learning as a group activity, reading, thinking. discussing, considering, working to improve. Now we seem to spend the time around the water-cooler disrespecting each other about sports and off-the-wall political pornography and "public personalities" latest silliness.
Really folks, it is time for all hands on deck: Think, pray -- a lot, research and evaluate, pay attention, ask good questions, hold people accountable -- corporations? sure; government? you betcha; but also not-for-profits and our OWN churches, bosses, community leaders and OURSELVES. But do this gently because there are PEOPLE involved and we all have tender hearts and fragile egos so a little humility as we lead, follow, observe to comment, and serve is always helpful.