And, frankly, neither posture does me one bit of good. Sometimes I worry like God can't take care of my loved ones or my problems if I don't gnaw them to death, meddle and monitor. I'm much better off reminding myself to thank God upon every remembrance of those I love and saying, "I choose to trust you, God" when fear threatens to overwhelm faith. And when things are going well I do much better if I keep myself thanking and praising God for such days, knowing both that challenges will come again and that with each challenge will come God's grace to endure, grow and shine God's love onto each situation.
I don't know where we get the idea that we can worry a thing better, but it seems a core human fallacy. Trusting God to give us wisdom, strength and faith to make positive changes--that is something I can endorse and God can wear my body out with work, change and new challenges. But I stand with Kind David when he said: "Truly my soul finds rest in God.*
So this is my prayer for us today: God of God and Lord of Hosts, let me work for You today by being Your hands and feet to comfort the lonely, feed the hungry, and console the grieving. Give me words of peace and hope for the fearful. And thank You, Lord, that you are teaching me to do this with peace in my heart and joy in my soul because You do the heavy lifting. AMEN
* Psalms 62:1