But in the larger picture, I am grateful that God is just. We use the terms Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipotent (all powerful, and Omni-present (everywhere present). Sometimes that is a little intimidating, but the more I find God trustworthy, and the more I experience the blessings described in the Bible, then the more I find that very comforting.
God knows everything, has the power to fix everything, is everywhere and, really, what do I have to fear? Because God loves us, tends us, teaches us, heals us, rejoices over us, renews us and always promotes our highest best interest we can rest in God's promises.
I have even come to pause when things don't go "my way" and consider that maybe God has a better plan, better timing, the perfect tweak to my day, my plan, my job hunt, my relationships, my hopes, my life.
Is a door closed? Maybe I'm at the wrong address. Are things not going fast enough? Maybe I'm not as ready as I think for the next step. Is money or time or opportunity in short supply? Maybe I need to take a second look.
I loved when I read Stephen Covey's comments that remind me that no matter how fast I climb the ladder seeking success, the outcome will not be happy if it is leaning against the wrong wall. And no matter how closely I try to follow the map, I'll have lots of problems if the map is for Springfield, Illinois when I'm in Springfield, Missouri.
So, if this is one of those days when it feels like the world is the windshield and you are the bug, assign yourself a time out, ask God if this is still the right path and what adjustments you might need to make, take a quiet walk or find a nice spot to sit a while, review a favorite Bible passage, spend a little time with that person that always seems to bring out the best in you, and know that no matter what it feels like, God has a way to sort all the pieces of the puzzle to reveal the bigger (and better) picture that displays your best self.