You can think your prayer; you can whisper or sing or shout or cry or wail. You can simply call, Abba Father and pause in wordless longing. You can stand, or sit, or fold your hands, or raise your hands, or lay flat on the floor, or sit on the ground, or sit on a bench, or sit in your favorite chair. God cares about you, not your posture or style.
You can pour out your pain, your fear, your needs, the most secret details of your experiences -- what you have done and what has been done to you. God already knows ALL and loves you just as you are. There is nothing you can say that will shock God or be too bad for God to hear. He already knows it all and nothing will change how dear and important you are to God. So you may as well tell God everything.
Too often we make the mistake of thinking we need to be better or more together before calling on God.
That is not necessary. (Aren't you trying as hard as you know how? Don't worry; God's got this.)
You see, God has always been standing closely beside you. He is waiting for you to turn your face to Him...just as you are, just where you are, now, right now. Don't wait a moment. Open your heart to healing and love and hope and joy and peace and lots of other things that are in too short supply in this sad, sorry world.
It is yours with a whisper, a longing, a word, a prayer.