But we don't ask "Why me, Lord?" when the cutest boy in school asks for homework help? or we get the job over a bevy of equally qualified contenders? or we have a new baby after years of trying unsuccessfully? or we make lifestyle changes that help us overcome health challenges?
When we are satisfied with our lives we seem to feel we are only getting our just deserts. So the logical extension of that is that we have earned what others have failed to earn if they are less popular or lucky or athletically able or academically gifts or.....well you get the idea.
No, I don't believe I'm God's favorite and that is why I have loving family and friends, enough food, shelter, clothes, live with no bombs or epidemics or floods or droughts. So what is the difference, who gets the "good stuff" and who gets the junk?
First of all, I don't believe any of us can actually judge who has junk and who has "good stuff" since it all assumes we have the same internal tensile strength and that one gift is better than another, one challenge greater than another. Instead I believe we all have challenges and gifts unique to our journey and we can choose to whine about being borne with a silver spoon in our mouths or rejoice in the love of our family living with only enough and any combination along that spectrum.
So here is my challenge to you: for every blessing you count in your life, ask God what you can do to glorify God with exactly what you have and where you are. For me, it is a full-time job with a great deal of job satisfaction.
When you eat your fill, when you build and occupy good houses, when your cattle and flocks increase, when you have plenty of silver and gold, and when you have abundance of everything, be sure you do not feel self-important and forget the Lord your God Deuteronomy 8:12-14